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Stewart Home: 

Eclipse & Re-emergence of the Oedipus Complex

In the 'Eclipse & Re-emergence of the Oedipus Complex', Home focuses on his mother, Julia Callan-Thompson, imitading poses thrown by her, during a modelling shoot in the 1960s. Photographs of the artist in these poses were integrated with the original images to create a series of joint portraits. The images of Callan-Thompson working as a fashion model and club hostess are then combined with a spoken commentary to explore the limits of documentary filmmaking, and to create a work which Home describes as ‘simultaneously an expression of love and loss’.

15 September


Stewart Home is an artist, filmmaker, writer and activist. From his earliest work Stewart Home has expressed an avant-gardist ethos, mixing myth and polemic, with plagiarism and a savage ideological critique, the parodic manifestoes of Generation Positive progressed into the self-historicizing magazine Smile, the Neoists, and finally The Art Strike - an aggressive appropriation of Gustav Metzger’s strike proposal. Fueled on kung-fu and Hegel, Home’s return to anti-art practice saw the publication of a rash of polymorphous and perverse novels, Red London, Defiant Pose, Slow Death, as well as exhibitions at City Racing, workfortheeyetodo, projects with Imprint 93, and ongoing performance, prank and film work.

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